💬 Revenue is hard. Finding the best revenue-related content on the web is even harder. Especially if you're in
a non-sales role...

 There isn't enough time to sift through all of the noise and bad advice — so I've built this library to narrow    
 our focus to the crème de la crème and to highlight the most important fundamentals of revenue.

🚩 Before you dig in, I'd like to take a moment to thank Steve Schlafman + Rishi Tripathy for their work on
the High Output Founders' Library — as it inspired me to start this side project and influenced the format of this library.

 This guide was created by [**Jonas Taylor**](<https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdavidtaylor/>) in September 2020 and will be updated periodically with the 
 guidance of author and audience contributions.

<aside> 🚨 If you see any of the 'alert' emojis, these are sections where I might need some support as they are Works in Progress!


Feedback + Recommendations

<aside> 🔎 Tip: Use ⌘/ctrl + P to pull up a search bar and find precisely what you're looking for.


💡 Thought Leaders to Follow

🤝 More Helpful Content

Top 40 Revenue Thought Leaders

647 Top Female Sales Practitioners

LinkedIn Top Sales Voices 2019

High Output Founders' Library

Interview Question Library

Question Bank for Better 1:1s

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🗺 Navigation Bar

Revenue Leadership | Front-Line Managers | Business Development | Sales | Field Engineering | Customer Success | Revenue Operations | Enablement